Next regulars table:

Contact - Are you interested?

Contact - Are you interested?

... then simply get in touch with us. Just use this contact form. Contact form.

Regulars table participants

Regulars table participants

Who comes to the Stammtisch? How old are the participants and where are they from. Answers on our info page Participants.

Regulars table statistics

Regulars table statistics

How many visitors come to the Stammtisch? How many men or women? Answers on our info page Statistics.

Regulars Table Help - Regulars Table FAQs

We answer many questions about the Stammtisch on our info page. Please note: Our help/FAQ section is only available in German! Regulars Table Help - Regulars Table FAQs.

The Regulars' table is a gender-free zone

The Regulars' table is a gender-free zone

Everyone is welcome here - no matter which gender you feel you belong to, what your sexual preferences are or what path you are taking in life. Everyone has equal rights and participates on an equal footing. More information on our info page Gender-free zone.

Regulars table calendar / regulars table dates:

FAQ - General

What is your average age?

We publish the current average age on our statistics page.

Please note:
  • Not all visitors have given their age.
  • We only record the year of birth and calculate the age from this.
  • These values are only intended as a rough guide.
  • Every visitor over the age of 18 is welcome.

How many visitors come to the regulars' table? How many women and men?

You can find visitor statistics in our chronicle or on our statistics website.

Can I meet people I know at your place?

It is theoretically possible.

But why is this person you know at our regulars' table? Probably for the same reason as you.

What now?

You will probably look at each other strangely at first. The best thing to do is to talk about your interests and agree that everything discussed at the regulars' table will stay there and not become a topic of conversation at work or among friends. Both sides are certainly interested in this. So don't be afraid! Just drop by for a chat.

    I meet someone from the regulars' table with family, work colleagues or acquaintances.

    Please do not disclose any information you have learnt about a member at the Stammtisch - be it private or professional.

    Also avoid unwanted outings by refraining from making any allusions to BDSM or the Stammtisch if you happen to meet a Stammtisch member in the company of work colleagues, family, friends or acquaintances. Please adhere to these rules.

      Can I find a willing slave, mistress or master with you?

      Very important: The Stammtisch is not a dating service!

      It is possible that you will meet someone here and that you are interested in each other - that's absolutely fine.

      But remember:
      • The female participants at our Stammtisch are definitely not fair game.
      • A no means no here too!
      • Flirting is allowed - but not hitting on each other!
      • f you meet someone interesting and a relationship develops between you, you are solely responsible for everything that happens between you.

      Neither the regulars' table organisers nor uninvolved regulars' table participants can be held responsible or liable for this.

        I am a professional dominatrix. May I join you?

        Ladies and gentlemen from the professional industry are cordially invited to join the Stammtisch. Please note, however, that the Stammtisch is not intended to actively look for new solvent customers.

          Will I be flooded with too many messages from the news distribution list?

          As a rule, only one or two e-mails per week or every fortnight are distributed via this list - depending on upcoming appointments or the need for discussion.

            Are you part of a community or do you have an umbrella organisation?

            No, this regulars' table is independent of any community or BDSM scene website (except our own homepage). We have neither an umbrella organisation nor are we affiliated with an association. We are simply part of the BDSM scene in Germany.

            We are an active member of the BDSM network Münster and Münsterland, which was created in part through our regulars' table work.

            The BVSM e.V. (Bundesvereinigung Sadomasochismus e.V. - is a major exception here. We have been a corporate member of BVSM e.V. since August 2016 and network with other regulars' tables throughout Germany. Since the end of 2021, however, the BVSM e.V. no longer exists. Neither a website nor an email address are available.

            Although we are present on various BDSM/fetish/erotic websites and represent ourselves there, we are not subject to any external regulations on how we should act as a regulars' table or how we must behave. We are 100% independent and will remain so.

            It is not a requirement to be registered on an external BDSM/fetish/erotic website.

              Will I incur any costs? If so, what are they?

              We are not a club and do not want to become one.

              Participation in the Stammtisch is and will remain free of charge. There will be no monthly or other compulsory payments.

              However, it cannot be expected that the Stammtisch management will finance jointly decided expenses alone. This type of expenditure should be borne by all Stammtisch participants. For this reason, a donation box is available. Although participation is voluntary, it is nevertheless appreciated.

              The common costs can be, for example, advertising costs or small gifts. The decision on such expenses is made democratically. Costs are only incurred if you order something to drink or eat. Everyone bears these costs themselves. There is neither an obligation to consume nor a minimum consumption on the part of the location operator.

              Transparency is important to us. The cash book for the Stammtisch cash register regarding income and expenditure can be downloaded via a link in the regular info e-mail.

                Who are the recipients of emails sent to

                Recipients of are Sven & Tobias (Stammtisch management) - and no other persons.

                We offer every interested party a protected space. Why should we publish a contact e-mail address if the sender's private data is then sent to all regulars' table participants? That makes no sense, we don't do that! The data protection of our members is very important to us!

                Am I missing out on something if I don't take part in the regulars' table?

                Yes, definitely!

                If you don't take part in the regulars' table, you will miss out on exciting evenings and interesting discussions. Active participation at the regulars' table is the best way to find out who is really interested. This is the only way we can ensure that our members are active and committed.

                What counts for us is active, real participation at the regulars' table.

                  Legal notice

                  In the past, there have unfortunately been cases in which people have stayed with us who had regular contact with the public prosecutor's office, police, courts etc. and therefore knew various prisons from the inside. However, we only learnt about this afterwards or very late, for example through personal conversations or public reporting.

                  The BDSM Stammtisch Münster und Münsterland is not a contact point for people who have been convicted of criminal offences in the past or currently, for example murder, rape, sexual acts with minors or similar.

                  The Stammtisch management expressly distances itself from such persons.

                  Should the regulars' table management become aware of such a case involving a member or interested party, this person will be excluded from the regulars' table immediately.

                  However, we do not check in advance whether an interested party has a corresponding criminal record. This is also not about speeding offences and/or points in Flensburg.

                  We know that this topic is sensitive and not very nice, even very frightening (the people who hang around in the scene ...). We had and have to learn to deal with it. However, there is no room for such people at our regulars' table and we have a clear opinion on this subject. There is zero tolerance here.

                  However, new interested parties are very welcome to come to the Stammtisch! We have to protect the other regulars' table participants and offer them a safe space. We deal with this topic openly and offer everyone a safe space.

                  However, we must provide clear information and communication in advance.

                    Regulars' table and corona

                    The corona pandemic is affecting our everyday lives and also our Stammtisch life.

                    We recommend that all visitors and interested parties get vaccinated against coronavirus. We understand if someone is unable to be vaccinated for health reasons, such as an intolerance. There are now numerous offers from doctors and vaccination centres to get vaccinated against the virus.

                      What languages are spoken at the Stammtisch?

                      We speak German at the Stammtisch. Unfortunately, we cannot support any other languages, although our website is largely multilingual.

                        Can I pay by card (EC, VISA, Mastercard, etc.) at the venues?

                        Whether you can pay by debit or credit card at our events depends on the location. In our regular location Mauritius, card payment is not possible, you can only pay cash there. However, there is a savings bank diagonally opposite where you can withdraw cash.

                          FAQ - The first time ...

                          I've never been to a BDSM regulars' table ...

                          Then come on in! It's the first time for everyone.

                          If you would like to talk to someone beforehand, please contact the regulars' table organiser by email.

                          Can couples also take part in the regulars' table?

                          Of course, come in! We welcome couples of any constellation and do not differentiate by gender.

                            I'm afraid that the others already know more than I do...

                            Basically, there is no one person in the BDSM/fetish scene who knows everything. There are always some experts who claim exactly that, but that's nonsense.

                            When you discover your inclinations or start to live out BDSM, you are at the beginning of your BDSM career. It's completely normal to have a lot of questions. If you have questions, come to the regulars' table and talk to the visitors.

                            Only people who talk can be helped!

                              I have a question about the regulars' table ...

                              If you have any questions, just send a short email to the Stammtisch management.

                              We look forward to answering your questions. We are not omniscient, but we will do our best to help you. So don't hesitate to contact us!

                              I have unusual inclinations and preferences for outfits...

                              Transgender people and clothing fetishists may of course
                              • of course participate in the Stammtisch, just like everyone else. Please note, however, that you are in the minority here.
                              • Please take a close look at the questions on the subject of 'outfits'. Slutty or sloppy outfits are frowned upon here, as we don't want any stress with the venue operator.
                              • If you are unsure, please come unstyled in everyday clothes without your fetish clothes.
                              • If you (biologically male) would like to appear in women's clothing and are unsure whether your outfit is suitable, please send photos of yourself in your outfit to the Stammtisch management a few days in advance. We want to avoid inappropriate moments in our location and avoid stress with the location operator.
                              But don't worry: we attach great importance to tolerance and acceptance at the Stammtisch. We don't look at anyone the wrong way or negatively just because he or she has a different lifestyle or particular clothing preferences. We expect a normal demeanour here.

                              "Every Jeck is different."

                              That's what our regulars' table is all about!

                              People with unusual fantasies, inclinations and sexual preferences are welcome to take part in the Stammtisch.

                              However, people who engage in criminal acts such as human trafficking are excluded.

                              Our BDSM is (meta)consensual and explicitly excludes criminally relevant matters. We reserve the right to exclude participants if necessary.

                              If it becomes known that a participant has already been convicted of (serious) criminal offenses, we may exclude them from the regulars' table. The decision on this will be discussed and made within the regulars' table management.

                                What do I need to bring to the regulars' table evening?

                                A good sense of humour is important, because BDSM can be very humorous and is not always deadly serious.

                                You should also have nice conversation topics.

                                If you want to order something to drink or eat, you should also have some money with you.

                                  Where can I register as a newcomer?

                                  Please get in touch with the regulars' table leader via our contact form at

                                  Do I have to register if I come to you with a regulars' table participant?

                                  No, in this case this is not necessary. Please let the organiser know your first name and email address on site to ensure that you receive all information by email in good time.

                                    FAQ - Dates

                                    Where can I find the meeting dates?

                                    The official sources for the Stammtisch dates are the websites listed below, which are maintained directly by the Stammtisch management. Although we also try to publish the dates on other websites and communities, we cannot guarantee that external websites are 100% up-to-date. We therefore recommend that you only use the websites mentioned.

                                    Do you regularly organise themed evenings?

                                    We currently have the following rotation: We have two themed evenings, followed by a theme-free evening. Then we have two themed evenings again, followed by a theme-free evening and so on.

                                      I would like to talk about a topic in a large group.

                                      Important to know: Please let us know your preferred topic immediately so that we can enter it in our diary. Our topics are flexible and can be postponed in the future. You can help shape our diary!

                                        Should I attend every Stammtisch?

                                        Participation in the regulars' table is voluntary. If you don't have time or don't feel like it, that's no problem.

                                        However, it is important to remember that our regulars' table lives from its members, who should also attend the meetings. It makes little or no sense to sign up, attend once or twice and then not turn up for a year. In such a case, we see this as a lack of interest and will remove you from the regulars' table list.

                                        If you are unable to attend the Stammtisch for a longer period of time for any reason (e.g. due to rehab, a stay at a spa, holidays, a trip around the world or a BDSM break), please inform the Stammtisch management by email or in person and let them know how long you expect to be absent.

                                          Can I also visit other regulars' tables?

                                          With pleasure! Our regulars' table is one of many in Germany. You can find an overview of the regulars' tables in Münster on our network website linked below:

                                          Why are you organising a regulars' table via webcam chat if you have a real regulars' table?

                                          Since the regulars' table was founded in 2012, we have set ourselves the goal of being a real regulars' table - not a virtual one. However, until the beginning of 2020, there was no coronavirus pandemic and therefore no lockdowns with the closure of catering establishments.

                                          The coronavirus pandemic is now forcing us to rethink.

                                          However, we have realised that our regulars' table members want to maintain contact despite the pandemic. We have decided to temporarily switch the real regulars' table to a virtual video platform. The video chat works very well and only requires a computer or smartphone with an internet connection.

                                            How can I take part in a video get-together?

                                            To take part in a video get-together, you need a webcam with a microphone and the URL to the video chat room.

                                            You can buy a webcam online or offline in many electronics shops. Good webcams are available for as little as five euros and, as is so often the case, there are no upper limits.

                                            The address for the webcam chat is only communicated via internal WhatsApp groups or newsletters.

                                            The chat works best in the Chrome or Edge browser or with an app.

                                            Please note that we will not be able to provide technical support on this evening.

                                              What is the best way to get to the Stammtisch by car?

                                              Our regulars' table location Mauritius is on Warendorfer Straße 71 in Münster. If you are travelling by car, please enter this address in your navigation system. If the Stammtisch or an event is taking place at a different location, please use the address given on the event details page.

                                              Please allow 10-15 minutes to find a parking space. You can either park directly on the roadside or in the side streets.

                                              For a stress-free journey by car, we recommend navigating with NUNAV.

                                                FAQ - Outfit

                                                What should I wear?

                                                Please wear comfortable everyday clothes. We're not at a BDSM play party or the Love Parade.

                                                  Can I wear collars, necklaces or the O finger ring with you?

                                                  Of course you can wear them with us! If you feel unsure at first, don't worry!

                                                    I'm coming straight from work and am wearing a business outfit.

                                                    You are welcome to come to us in this outfit. However, it would be advisable to remove any full name badges or references to your employer in advance.

                                                      FAQ - Membership

                                                      Do you differentiate between interested parties and members?


                                                      Interested parties have one year to get to know our regulars' table. During this period, we check whether there is interest. Anyone who has visited the Stammtisch at least four times in this first year becomes a member.

                                                      Stammtisch members regularly take part in the life of the Stammtisch. However, if a member no longer attends the regulars' table within a year, we must assume that they are no longer interested.

                                                        FAQ - Unsubscribing from the Regulars table

                                                        How can I unsubscribe from the Stammtisch?

                                                        Simply send us an e-mail using the form below or via the general e-mail address. We will then inform you in a separate email about the cancellation and the deletion of your data.

                                                        FAQ - Data processing / Data protection / DSGVO

                                                        What data is collected from me and how is it used?

                                                        We store the following information in our regulars' table member administration:
                                                        • Your real first name and email address are mandatory. We deliberately do not record pseudonyms or nicknames.
                                                        • If you have entered other master data such as telephone number, location, year of birth or relationship status, as well as your preferences or BDSM experience, this is voluntary information that you have provided to us via the contact form.
                                                        • For our age and location statistics, it would be helpful if you could tell us your year of birth as well as your place of residence, neighbourhood and district.
                                                        • We also record statistical data such as the date you contacted us, your first visit to our regulars' table, the duration of your observation period (this value is dynamic) and the time of your actual visit. The actual regulars' table visits are recorded for the current year and the last two years.
                                                        • We will also note whether you have subscribed to our newsletter, are a member of our WhatsApp group or have been earmarked for this group.
                                                        • We also record whether you have registered for a special event.
                                                        You can view all this data at any time in your user login, which we have set up precisely for this purpose. We will send you your personal access data when you first contact us.

                                                        What are web addresses with ?

                                                        We often shorten long Internet addresses, such as links to Google Maps or downloads. To do this, we use a short URL service under the subdomain This also allows us to determine whether the link has been clicked on. Our short URL service is based on the self-hosted script from Yourls.

                                                          What data is processed in the newsletter?

                                                          In our regular newsletters, we use your e-mail address, your first name and your individual login name for the regulars' table user information.

                                                            Where is the collected data stored?

                                                            We do not pass on any data to third parties or external companies.

                                                            All personal visitor data is stored in a mySQL database. The database is located on a server in the Dresden data centre of the web host Neue Medien Münnich, just like our website. The newsletter is created with the software 'SuperMailer' and the database is stored locally at the regulars' table administration. In addition, a backup is created on the above-mentioned server.

                                                            The databases are backed up at least once a day and the backup data is kept for seven days before it is deleted.

                                                            We offer everyone a secure space for their data, personally on site. Please note that we do not pass on your direct contact details to third parties or other participants.

                                                              When will my stored data be deleted?

                                                              We will delete your data as soon as you cancel your registration with us or have not attended the Stammtisch after one year. We will inform you about the deletion of your data in a separate e-mail.

                                                                What is the observation period that people keep talking about?

                                                                How can regulars' table organisers determine and assess the interest of interested parties?

                                                                We asked ourselves these questions, among others, at the beginning. The answer was simple: a visitor's interest can be measured by their attendance at the regulars' table. If someone attends the regulars' table, they are interested. Each participant is given an individual observation period to check whether they have taken part in the regulars' table. When the date is reached, we use the visitor statistics to check whether the participant has actually attended the regulars' table.

                                                                The date is in the future. Everyone can check the date of their individual observation period in their personal login of the regulars' table user information. The access data will be sent by e-mail.

                                                                  Where can I view my stored data?

                                                                  We have created a separate information website for this purpose. You can log in with a user name and password. The access data will be provided in the welcome e-mail.

                                                                  Who is my contact for questions about data processing, GDPR and similar?

                                                                  If you have such questions, please contact the regulars' table leader directly.

                                                                  Who can access the user data?

                                                                  Only the person concerned and the regulars' table management have access to personal member data. We do not pass on any personal data to third parties. We adhere strictly to the General Data Protection Regulation.

                                                                    Recipient of the enquiry via email

                                                                    The contact form sends all entries by email to The email will only be sent to the regulars' table administration.

                                                                      Why do we record who visited the regulars' table and when?

                                                                      The attendance statistics allow us to record how many people attend the Stammtisch and whether a member visits the Stammtisch after registering.

                                                                      The Stammtisch lives through its active members who take part in Stammtisch life on site. We do not need interested parties who only read e-mails (virtual members). We are a real regulars' table and attach great importance to the fact that our members do not hide behind a computer.

                                                                        How secure are the personal data of regulars' table participants and interested parties with you?

                                                                        User data and passwords are as much a part of the Internet today as Wikipedia, Google or Facebook. Every interested party or regulars' table visitor receives their own access to Userinfo from us. This is a small portal where personal data can be viewed. This data is only accessible to the regulars' table organisers and the person concerned.

                                                                        We provide transparent information about this. The login is done with a user name and a password.

                                                                        The user name is made up of the person's first name, a random five-digit number and a special character. This ensures that the user name is unique in the system.

                                                                        The password consists of 15 characters, including upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. The passwords are deliberately generated randomly and are used exclusively for our service. For security reasons, the passwords are stored as a password hash using the PASSWORD_BCRYPT algorithm. PASSWORD_BCRYPT is used to generate new password hashes with the CRYPT_BLOWFISH algorithm. We have set the cost option to 15 to calculate the password hash. The original password can neither be read nor recalculated from the password hashes in the database. The password can only be reassigned.

                                                                        Access to the user info is only enabled if the user name and password have been entered correctly.

                                                                        A session cookie is created to log in to the user info. This is deleted as soon as you leave the user info or close the browser window.

                                                                        If you need a secure password, you can use

                                                                          FAQ - RSS feeds

                                                                          What are RSS feeds?

                                                                          An RSS feed can be used to provide standardised information in XML format. Free programmes for every operating system can read and evaluate RSS feeds.

                                                                            Which programmes are suitable for reading RSS feeds?

                                                                            There are numerous free programmes for every operating system that can read and analyse RSS feeds. Email programmes such as Microsoft Outlook or Thunderbird can also read RSS feeds.

                                                                              Partners / Groups

                                                                              DarkSide Regulars Table

                                                                              Always on the first Sunday of the month, DarkSide invites you to an afternoon Stammtisch in Greven.


                                                                              Münster Rope Connection

                                                                              Münster RopeConnection is aimed at people in and around Münster who are into all things captivating.


                                                                              kcm Münster e.V.

                                                                              Gay Centre Münster e.V.


                                                                              BDSM Network Münster

                                                                              Overview of all active BDSM groups and regulars' tables in Münster, which have joined together to form the BDSM Network Münster.


                                                                              DE | ARA | BGR | CHN | DNK | EN | EST | FIN | FRA | GRC | IDN | IT | JPN | KOR | LVA | LTU | NL | NOR | PL | PRT | BRA | ROU | RUS | SWE | SVK | SVN | ES | CZE | TUR | UKR | HUN | DeepL Translator